Tuesday, August 13, 2013


This weeks assignments were pretty good for me. I was able to center better and I was focused. Breathing deeply and forcing myself to repeat over and over that the pain and suffering in others would go away. Also, focusing on the areas in my life that really need true development and growth took a little painful time. I had to keep starting and re-starting. I know the areas that I need to fix, it's just too painful right now to think about it...and all the work that needs to be done. The psychospiritual areas of my life need more focus. Deeper meditation is needed....along with time, space, and peace and quiet.


  1. Hi Amanda,

    It was hard to remember the phrases, I had to keep looking at them, and it was pretty frustrating so I just resigned myself to reading them over and over from the book. I am sure with more practice you could memorize them and then really concentrate on the meaning more.

    Any time we do self evaluation, it is difficult, if you tell yourself the truth. All of us have areas in which we have weaknesses that we can shore up, or areas of struggle that we just keep repeating. The great thing about this, or any kind of personal assessment, is that you also can identify the things in which you excel, those things you are great at! As you look at those things that cause you pain, be sure to balance that out with positive statements that affirm the things you are doing well!

    I have gone through a lot over the last five years with a separation and eventually a divorce after 23 years of marriage and three kids. Give yourself some grace to work through the painful parts. You will get there!

  2. Hi Amanda,

    I really appreciate your honesty about the necessary work that you are aware of, through the assessment. Sometimes, the pain is too much at the present time. We will always be a work in process, and when the time is right to act, you will know. When there are things that are too much for me, I have to give it up to the Universe, or Higher Power (whatever you may call this force in your life). I wish you well in your journey, and thank you so much for your sincere post.


  3. Hi Amanda,
    These exercises were rather difficult for me but I have still learned from them. I always have room for improvement on how I handle situations but I feel like I have a good method that works so I think it makes it hard for my brain to adjust to this method. I don't think that it matters how you get to your inner peace as long as you have found a method that works for you. Have a fabulous day! ~Julia:)
